Wrinkles … Who Wants Them?
Dynamic wrinkles are caused by contractions of the delicate underlying facial muscles every time you smile, laugh, or frown. These lines caused by facial muscles can give a person an angry, tired, or sad appearance — even when they are not experiencing that emotion. The more emotion you show, the deeper these wrinkles and lines are likely to be.
What is Botox Cosmetic?
Botox Cosmetic is a safe, highly purified protein that simply and effectively improves the appearance of frown lines, forehead creases, and “crow’s feet.” It is a remarkable treatment for dynamic wrinkles resulting from repeated use of facial muscles.
How Does Botox Cosmetic Work?
Botox Cosmetic actually prevents wrinkles from appearing by relaxing the underlying muscles so they don’t contract. Botox Cosmetic blocks impulses from the nerve to the tiny facial muscles that are related to expression lines. After treatment, the overlying skin remains smooth and unwrinkled while the untreated facial muscles contract in a normal fashion, allowing your normal facial expression to be unaffected.
What Are the Limitations of Botox Cosmetic?
Botox Cosmetic is a temporary solution for the treatment of dynamic wrinkles. The effects of the treatments last from three- six months. Early clinical studies indicate that after receiving Botox Cosmetic over time, there appears to be a longer lasting effect. This could be due to the relaxing of the skin in that area and breaking the habit of certain facial expressions.
What Will Your Consultation Involve?
During your consultation with Flatirons Dermatology, you will discuss your concerns and the changes that you’d like to make in your appearance. Botox Cosmetic treatments will be explained to you, we’ll review the procedure, and point out the risks and limitations involved. Together you will decide if Botox Cosmetic is for you.
What Is the Treatment Like?
Treating wrinkles with Botox Cosmetic is a simple and safe procedure and the entire treatment takes about ten minutes. At Flatirons Dermatology, we perform Botox Cosmetic treatments using a tiny micro-needle. A very small amount of Botox Cosmetic is injected, very precisely, into several locations on your face. Because the needle is so fine and only a small amount of liquid is used, the pain associated with the treatment is minimal. You may experience some slight temporary bruising at the treatment site, but this can be covered with make-up. No sedation or local anesthetic is required, and you can resume normal activities immediately. You can even drive yourself to and from the clinic.