Laser Treatments

CO2 Laser treatment is an excellent solution for patients with pigmentation problems, uneven skin tone, superficial scarring, sun damage, or to improve signs of aging. 


Decrease wrinkles, refine texture, reduce pore size, and tighten skin on the face or chest areas. Generally, one or two treatments are sufficient to achieve optimal results which can last for several years.

Most procedures last 30 minutes. Patients arrive 60 min early for topical numbing. Initially, there may be some swelling, redness, or crusting in the treatment area, but this should resolve within a couple of days. Within a week or two, any lingering pinkness fades leaving your skin smooth, firm, and healthy with a radiant complexion.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment is safe and non-invasive and effective at removing acne, birthmarks, spider veins on the face, age spots, sun spots, rosacea, broken capillaries, and freckles. and  can be combined with many other treatments and skincare to maximize results.

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