Liposuction & Vanquish Treatments

Liposuction is a minimally invasive laser-assisted procedure that removes unwanted fat proving difficult to eliminated through diet and exercise

A precise procedure that can be used for targeted sculpting where definition is desired.

Areas which can be treated include:

  • hips
  • belly
  • thighs
  • buttocks
  • back
  • arms
  • face

For healthy individuals, this is an ideal solution for persistent areas of unwanted fat, resulting in permanently removing fat cells, while improving their shape.

A 2-4-hour procedure using local anesthesia, only one or two tiny incisions (like the size of the tip of a pen) are made resulting in short recovery time and less pain. Patients will need a family member or friend to drive them home on the day of schedule procedure. For most people recovery time is 1-2 days and returning to normal activities within 2 weeks.

Vanquish is a non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment to target areas of unwanted fat.

Vanquish uses radio frequency energy to destroy fat cells in the treated areas. This fat is then eliminated through natural pathways of the body.

In a series of 4-6 sessions spaced 1 week apart, with no downtime and no discomfort. The procedure can be performed in an hour.

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