CO2 Swift Scan

Are you tired of your wrinkles, sun damage or concave acne scars? Then a CO2 laser treatment provided by one of our doctors is just for you. This is an ablative laser that uses a scanner to divide the CO2 laser beam into tiny shafts of light. These shafts of light penetrate through the epidermis and introduce heat into the sub-dermal layers of the skin. This heat causes skin cells to reproduce more rapidly to heal the injury thus stimulating collagen growth.
Brown spots are a sure sign of aging. Removing pigmented lesions has never been easier. The laser light interacts with the skin’s surface causing the upper layer to peel off. In addition, the heat from the laser stimulates deeper cells in the dermis causing collagen regeneration and skin improvement. This laser is great for aiding in reducing fine lines and wrinkles as well as pigmentation. It helps lift concave scars as well. There is a 2 week down time, with post inflammatory response (heat and redness) to the skin which can aid in the healing time. Patience with the healing process is very important with this laser, as well as using your aftercare and staying out of the sun.